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Leading while Speaking

Level – Intermediate | 1-Day Course | 8 Hours CPE

Emotional Intelligence is the ability to recognize your own emotions, understand the meaning behind it, and realize the affect on those around you. Leaders with high emotional intelligence are usually successful in most things they do. Why? Because they're the ones that others want on their team. When they send an email, it gets answered. When they make a request, their team answers the call.


In this workshop, leaders will engage in discussions and exercises demonstrating the skills and tools necessary to use emotions as assets when leading their team.  Leaders will also create a personal plan and roadmap for increasing their emotional intelligence based on their current skill level.  Also included is a leadership assessment with a 20-page report on 8-levels of leadership competencies.


Wise Emotional Choices

Level – Beginner | 1/2-Day Course | 4 Hours CPE

In this workshop, leaders and staff learn how to listen to the message emotions have for them. They learn that emotions give messages and if they listen, they are empowered to make wise decisions rather than be held captive by emotions. 

Fostering Accountability through Building Trust

Level – Intermediate | 1/2-Day Course | 4 Hours CPE

Powerful leadership requires trust. What we say and do is directly related to the level of trust we have with others as well as the productivity and morale in organizations. Leaders learn specific strategies for building trust through communication. 

Coaching for Positive Change

Level – Intermediate | 1/2-Day Course | 4 Hours CPE

Leaders learn two critical leadership principles to leverage when correcting undesired behavior.  Leaders also learn a simple and powerful model to coach their direct reports into behavior that is aligned with the company’s goals, objectives and mission.

Infusing CALM in the Workplace

Level – Intermediate | 1/2-Day Course | 4 Hours CPE

At times of high stress, employees often try to tackle several jobs in a desperate attempt to get things done.  They are often acting in a reactive manner, trying to multi-task. Without thoughtful focus and attention, work product diminishes, deadlines are missed and results suffer.   Remaining CALM© enables greater productivity and improved bottom line results.


Throughout the workday, leaders and staff experience a myriad of emotions (happiness, sadness, anger, fear, and many more). Anger and frustration can be the most intense of the emotions and can cloud their thinking, causing even the most articulate of leaders to react to a situation vs. choosing to respond. In this collaboration and customer service course, they will learn the CALM© Method to manage through ANY emotional trigger. They will learn how to build the muscle in the brain that will enable them to respond in any situation regardless of the intensity of the emotion. 

Staying True to your Vital Few

Level – Intermediate | 1/2-Day Course | 4 Hours CPE

In this workshop, leaders walk away with a crystal clear understanding of their Vital Few – which are the 2 – 3 things that are responsible for 80% of their success.  In addition, they learn how to avoid the pitfalls within the trivial many as well as discover how to minimize the impact of other’s priorities on their success.   

Creating a Culture of Joy

Level – Intermediate | 1/2-Day Course | 4 Hours CPE

According to Harvard Business Review, happiness is the competitive advantage to bring increased productivity, innovation and creativity to your team. In fact, a decade of research proved that happiness raises nearly every business outcome: raising sales by 37%, productivity by 31% and accuracy on tasks by 19%.


In this workshop, leaders and staff learn the value of creating a culture of happiness as well as the tools necessary to implement a culture of happiness.

Lowering Stress by Increasing EQ

Level – Intermediate | 1/2-Day Course | 4 Hours CPE

Many times, the work environment requires employees to do more with less resulting in an increase in stress. When stress increases, work becomes more difficult and frustrating.


In this workshop, participants will engage in exercises and discussions that teach them quick and easy ways to lower their stress by increasing their ability to understand and use their emotions at work.

Communication Accountability

Level – Intermediate | 1/2-Day Course | 4 Hours CPE

In this communication workshop, leaders and staff learn how to take responsibility for the words that they use, for the tone in which they deliver and for how their message is received.

Crucial Conversations

Level – Intermediate | 1-Day Course | 8 Hours CPE

You have found yourself in a Crucial Conversation: opinions vary, stakes are high and emotions run strong. Are you skilled enough to communicate your message while respecting others’ viewpoints?


You can’t always prepare for a crucial communication because they can pop up spontaneously when we least expect it. Would you love to be able to successfully navigate any crucial conversation whether planned or impromptu?


The most successful professionals continue to develop and hone the crucial communication tools taught in this course.

Having Difficult Conversations

Level – Intermediate | 1/2-Day Course | 4 Hours CPE

In this interactive workshop, leaders and staff learn the source of avoiding difficult conversations and will walk away with tools to prepare them to navigate a difficult conversation with grace, confidence and calm. 

Effective Meeting Leadership Skills

Level – Intermediate | 1/2-Day Course | 4 Hours CPE

If you are a typical executive or senior manager, even in these days of email, you are spending 12 hours a week in meetings, virtual or face-to-face.  The average employee spends 8.  How much of that time in meetings is wasted with poor time management, inadequate preparation, poor agendas, narrow participation, rambling discussions, unclear decisions and results?  Applying learnings from a half day training in Effective Meeting Leadership Skills can go a long way in alleviating many of those issues.

Feedback and Coaching for Change

Level – Intermediate | 1/2-Day Course | 4 Hours CPE

Beginning with one of the most helpful feedback formulas (plus, minus, plus), participants will explore tips and strategies for providing feedback for all kinds of situations… why it works, what happens when it doesn’t and why. Participants will also explore the importance of praise in today’s work and family environments, and work through a step-by-step process of providing appropriate coaching and support for human change with the least resistance possible. This workshop also includes sharing exercises and some role-playing.  It is helpful to have had Quality Listening as pre-requisite. This half day course is ideal for supervisors, and all those who want to make a difference in the lives of others.

Making the Most of Who You are...Influence and Communication

Level – Intermediate | 1/2-Day Course | 4 Hours CPE

Each of us has certain gifts and graces that enable both competency and confidence in communication (or in some cases, “disable”, weaken or limit us). How do we respond to environments (within work, play, family) and what kind of personal power do we have to change or influence those environments?


This half-day class facilitated by a Certified Practitioner in Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP, the “science” of communication behavior) explores individual communication styles, using the popular DiSC approach, and applications in both work and social settings. The course includes a DiSC survey and manual plus other materials and exercises in “reading” others’ styles and anticipating the best way to influence other styles, useful in marketing and work relationships.

 Solutions Training Group | Texas State Board of Public Accountancy Sponsor #009988 | All rights reserved

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